
images on this website have been adapted and all will eventually be linked to their sources
these original digital composites contain pixels from several hundred freely usable artworks provided copyright free by individuals and institutions including Morguefile and Rijksmuseum - click on links below to view image source

We would like to thank the following ...

tri : fern fern fern
Morguefile - Foodie Girl - Lisa Yount - mendeni  

people : chrysanthemums
Bēhance Five 25- Szymon Kubicki
Unsplash - mtsjrdl
Bēhance Axebe - Olexander Kuzmenko
Morguefile - juditu

water 82
Morguefile - quicksandala
Mr Cutout - MrCutout 
Pixabay - Ravi Teja
Unsplash - Quino Al

bw 69
Unsplash - Ethan Dow

futumuntarj - porth kinnis
Morguefile - FreeProjectPhoto

mixes 44
Minneapolis Institute of Art - Utagawa Hiroshige - Coup de Mistral [awaiting confirmation] - Yamamoto Baiitsu
Rijksmuseum - Wijnand Otto Jan Nieuwenkamp - Jacques Callot

tri : dancer winged horse cumulonimbus
Rijksmuseum - Jacopo de' Barbari
Morguefile - SDurell - Jane M Sawyer

water 26
Rijksmuseum - Camille Corot
Art Institute of Chicago - Donald Shaw MacLaughlan - Robert C. Goff 
Unsplash - mtsjrdl  
Morguefile - emlyn

view 49 v2
Morguefile - wallyir - sirdouglas - backtoeden - swatcop 
Unsplash - Richard Lee

view 183
Unsplash - Bharath Raj - Sebastian Pena Lambarri
Metropolitan Museum of Art - Zhou Dongqing

view 2
Pexels - Gui Basto
Morguefile - Lisa Yount
Unsplash - Kajetan Sumila

water 71
Morguefile - earl53 - Scott Liddell skeletoyz

view 111
Morguefile - abingdonwalks
Pexels - Gui Basto

view 131
Unsplash - Jen Theodore - S. Widua

bw 14
Library of Congress - Benjamin Folsom 

bw 6
Rijksmuseum - Tobias

tri : box head fern
Morguefile - mendeni 
Patons and Baldwins - helmets for men
Pexels - Cottonbro Studio

tri : Jansz Matthysz Nieuwenkamp
Rijksmuseum - Nieuwenkamp - Matthysz - Jansz

details : a cricket cries and the moon glows the same with thanks to Matsuo Bashō
Minneapolis Institute of Art - carrier - armchair - Richards

view 105
Morguefile - MMAARRSS - mantasmagorical

view 52
VIShopper - VIShopper (hats)
Morguefile - quicksandala - frenchbyte

bw 23
Smithsonian - 
Kellogg - Madonna - pitchers - flask

view 65
Morguefile - George Bosela - cdmccull - imagina