
a cricket cries and the moon glows the same
with thanks to Matsuo Bashō

this composite first appeared in the tri section

it is not uncommon for pictures to undergo change as can be seen here

in relation to photomontage it is thought that the act of revoir (seeing again, reviewing ...) promotes further creativity and helps decision-making

digital compositing tools encourage image exploration

time introduces familiarity leading to conclusions that may be temporary

inspiration can occur as a result of some of the above 

thanks to The Minneapolis Institute of Art

sometimes the road to inspiration is more easily identified as images appear

following a well worn path through Internet databases the image of a dome-shaped cricket carrier was selected

it is beyond the scope of these details to suggest why this photograph was chosen

similarly another choice came from the same website

pixel layers were created by applying digital composite techniques by hand

this involved making many decisions about picture elements

the components of the two dimensional work were looked at through layer development

enlargement of pixels up to 1600% helped with editing

some reasons why the art works were chosen became apparent

reassessing the picture elements focussed on a new direction

sources were gathered across China and Japan

ancient cultural activities influenced further changes 

Internet searches provided more insights that informed the direction of the photomontage ... including ...

In Ancient China, Pet Crickets Spent the Winter in Opulent Gourds

Cricket fighting : A 1,500-year-old hobby still attracts modern fans

kirigirisu, a cricket cries : MatsuoBashō

The Moon glows the same : Matsuo Bashō
the print - a cricket cries and the moon glows the same with thanks to Matsuo Bashō - has been submitted to the 2025 RSA Annual Exhibition